If you have diabetes, you must be on top of your blood sugar levels. In the past, diabetes patients relied on the finger prick test, which only provided information on blood sugar levels at one point. With technological advancements came the continuous glucose monitor that gives you a better overview of your blood sugar levels.

A CGM allows diabetes patients to have a broader insight into managing their overall blood sugar levels and how they can prevent or reduce the chances of long-term complications in the future. Here is a look at other benefits of adding a CGM device to your diabetes care plan.

Offers Glucose Readings Round The Clock

While a traditional blood glucose monitor is an invaluable tool for managing blood sugar levels, modern tech has outgrown it. A CGM system will give you a clear picture of your blood glucose levels throughout the day and night.

You can easily see how physical activity, food, and other factors affect your blood glucose levels to help you optimize your care plan.

You Get To Use Fewer Finger Sticks

Advanced CGM devices such as the Dexcom G6 use sensor catheters to monitor blood sugar levels without needing a finger stick. A CGM system comprises three key components: a sensor, transmitter, and receiver, which can be a tablet, a smartphone, or a smartwatch to work.

However, a CGM device will need you to use a finger stick to calibrate its readings once or twice a day. Your healthcare provider will help you to know how your CGM device works and how to use it accurately.

Make Proactive Treatment Decisions

A CGM device is programmed to alert you when your blood glucose levels go too high or low above the required threshold. It will help you know that you need treatment before you experience the symptoms, which can often lead to emergencies. Some diabetes symptoms severely threaten diabetes patients when not managed early.

Works Great With Insulin Pumps Or Injections

Your CGM device works great whether you have an insulin pump or do your injections. If you use an insulin pump to manage your diabetes, it works the same way. If your CGM device alerts you of high blood sugar levels, you can increase your insulin dosage before you experience any symptoms.

Additionally, a CGM will go a long way to help your healthcare provider optimize your insulin pump therapy. This allows you to have an improved quality of life where you will not be experiencing frequent emergencies since you have the condition under control.

You Will Get More Insight On Your Blood Sugar Levels

A review done on SMBG ( self-monitoring of blood glucose) showed that a CGM device is a more effective monitoring method for patients with insulin-dependent diabetes. The devices help prevent hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia by recording the speed and direction of changes in blood glucose levels.

This allows you and your health provider to have a clear picture and get rid of eliminated missed testing intervals.

Better Glucose Control

Diabetes management and treatment all revolve around controlling your blood sugar levels. Without blood sugar control, you can experience serious health control issues when you become hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic. The goal of diabetes management is to avoid big swings in sugar levels without allowing diabetes to take over your life.

With a CGM device, you have direct feedback on how your physical activity and diet affect your body. This information will allow you to optimize your treatment plant for the best results. Ensure that you discuss all the significant changes you notice with your doctor even after they change your treatment regimen.

Improved Health and Wellness

Everyone wants to be well. We all want the freedom, convenience, and control of having excellent health. It all comes down to having your blood sugar under control. A CGM device can help you maintain optimum health even when you do not have diabetes. Athletes and other health enthusiasts use it to track their blood sugar levels to optimize their performance.

Do you want to learn how to manage type 2 diabetes better? Visit Columbia Medical Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems (CGMS). We are experts in continuous glucose monitoring devices to help you manage Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes with no finger sticks!

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